V/I Tester (analog signature analysis)

FADOS test systems also convinced the jury at Industriepreis 2015 due to their innovative technology and were rewarded.

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France: Deltest, Ghislain Hazard, hazard@deltest.com
Italy: NUATECH, Fabrizio Tatti, info@nuatech.it

What is analog signature analysis and how does it work?

The comparative ability of the analog signature analysis (ASA) is a very effective method for troubleshooting problems with circuit boards or other electrical and electronic circuits. Self-explanatory and without detailed knowledge of the defective circuit troubleshooting by ASA without the schematic is possible. This makes the FADOS7F1 and FADOS9F1 made by ProT Ar-Ge become an indispensable tool for all applications. The small, handheld devices only need a labtop PC for operation.

The effective test method ASA troubleshooting requires no power to the DUT. A sinusoidal AC voltage with current limit via two lines to a board (or a single component) is applied. The resulting “signature” is a voltage-current graph (vertical deflection current and horizontal deflection voltage) shown. This typical signature at a connection point of a circuit is a comparison with a known functional board and is a reliable information on whether the analyzed point has problems by a faulty component or a lack of connection available.

When excessive current flow or a short circuit trigger fuses on power on, making conventional troubleshooting impossible, FADOS systems are the ideal instrument. FADOS systems can prevent further damage to electronic circuits and help to find the error.

Unlike a special ICT or functional test with an enormous amount of programming time and adapter cost you can start troubleshooting with a FADOS system immediately. Especially for small series one FADOS system is a perfect complement of the measuring equipment repair departments.

FADOS Systems can help you, too!