The system is developed by ProT Ar-Ge Industrial Project Design R & D Ltd. Co. as a V/I tester with PC oscilloscope function to troubleshoot printed circuit boards. FADOS9F1 is, compared to FADOS7F1, equipped with two additional functions, which currently no other system on the market can offer. The system offers the following 9 functions in one device.


  • Two Channel error detection by V / I tester (analog signature analysator): Fault detection by direct comparison of the current-voltage characteristics (signatures) of a working and a faulty circuit board without applying power to the unit under test.
  • Fault detection by comparison with stored signatures: Signatures of a functioning board can be saved and used at a later time as a reference for troubleshooting a faulty board. The point to touch can be indicated by a cross hair mark at an image of the board.
  • Equivalent circuit diagram: Display of an equivalent circuit that corresponds to the characteristic on the touched point.***
  • Display values of resistor, capacitor and diode threshold: Display the calculated values of resistance, capacitors and diode threshold voltages corresponding to the conditions at the contacted node.***
  • Dual-channel digital PC oscilloscope
  • 0.2… 25KHz square wave output: Channel 2 is used as a square wave generator. Channel 1 can be used as an oscilloscope.
  • Analog voltage output: Analog DC output +4.8 V -4.7 V 2 … (100 mV steps) on channel Channel 1 can be used as an oscilloscope.
  • Programmable integrated DC power supply: The output voltage is adjustable. 0 to 16 volts with an output current 20 to 1500 mA.*** 
  • Non touched IR temperature probe: To detect more heated components and draw a heat map of the UUT.

*** These functions in combination are currently only offered by FADOS products!


For the following European countries you can also directly get in touch with our local partners:
France: Deltest, Ghislain Hazard,
Italy: NUATECH, Fabrizio Tatti,

further information

All companies or departments with the task of troubleshooting and repair of populated electronic boards will be very quickly convinced of the benefits of the system in their daily work. It makes no difference whether the test objects coming from the automotive sector, medical, motor control, video, audio, mobile phone or any other areas in which electronic components are used.

While troubleshooting, the FADOS9F1 is a very useful and reliable tool.
The benefit of the test method is the fact troubleshooting is done without applying power to the UUT and there is no risk for consequential damages due to any existing shorts, defective components or low-impedance connections on the faulty board.
The FADOS9F1 offers in comparison to the FADOS7F1 additionally a programmable power supply and a non-contact IR temperature measurement. This programmable power supply can be used to connect to the powerlines of the UUT and a maximum voltage value is set. Now the power “test button” can be activated and the software generates a output by 100 mV steps up to the set maximum value. The values of voltage and current are saved in a file. After a short time the IR temperature measurement can be done and a component with a defect-related, higher temperature can be determined. The software screen can also integrate the microscope picture from a USB camera, which is especially handy if working with very small components.

Special features:
The representation of an equivalent circuit of an intelligent analysis of the current-voltage curve is a unique feature. No other product can come up with something similar in this area. You can see below the curve(s), a simplified circuit with the resistance and capacitance values of the contacted node (see screenshot below).

FADOS9F1 delivery:

  • FADOS9F1 product
  • 2 probe tips (oscilloscope probes)
  • USB cable
  • IR temperature sensor
  • Power cable red / black with alligator clips
  • Power Adapter (19V, 3.9A)
  • CD with software and user manual FADOS9F1 program
  • FADOS9F1 bag

further pictures

Equivalent circuit:


